Chelsea Romero

Chelsea brings a wealth of experience and passion to her role. She earned her degree in Social Work at the University of Michigan, specializing in Interpersonal Practice with Children and Youth. She has worked as a therapist for children and families, working with at-risk youth and justice-involved youth. This population is important to Chelsea because she believes that intervening and providing support to children is the best way to ensure that they can grow into adults with positive coping skills and the ability to maintain healthy relationships. Beyond her professional endeavors, Chelsea is an avid animal lover who actively supports local animal shelters and rescues.
Chelsea is no stranger to ACGC, having encountered our organization through her work in the Austin non-profit sector. She has long admired the great work and services provided by ACGC, making her decision to join our team an enthusiastic one. As the Senior Director of Programs, Chelsea will be working closely with our Executive Director and overseeing ACGC's program departments, including Therapy Services, Psych Services, and Community Services. She will play a pivotal role in ensuring that our programs align with our mission, goals, and objectives, as established by our Executive Director and Board of Directors